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Healthcare is a wide psychological process that needs understanding

By touching a million things during the day we are most likely gathering bacteria

Your nose, your eyes, and mouth are in the high risk of catching the coronavirus

We encourage all our readers to stay at home and minimize their social life activity

You should clean not just your hands, but all the things that you touch the most

Your social awareness helps us fight against coronavirus. Follow the recent news

Dra. Sylvia Sánchez Oller, Ph.D.

Clínica de Terapia
Familiar, Pareja  e Infanto-Juvenil


Whatsapp: (+506) 87 80 59 38


De la entrada principal de la Universidad Nacional, 200 metros Oeste y 50 al Norte. Casa de dos pisos a mano izquierda, color blanco con portón gris. (+506) 22 37 80 76 (+506) 87 80 59 38 Horario: lunes a viernes de 7:00 am a 5:00. pm.

Frente a Intel. La Rivera de Belén.

(+506) 22 37 80 76
(+506) 87 80 59 38

lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 6:00. pm.

San José

Torre Médica, 4o. piso. Diagonal a Hospital Nacional de Niños.
Paseo Colón. San José.

(+506) 22 21 13 33
(+506) 87 80 59 38

lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 4:00 pm.

De 7:00 am – 6:00 pm.

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