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Childreen with special needs, and how to adapt to the outside world. Read a story of miracle

Emotionally unstable condition and the most effective ways to deal with such using therapy

Collaborative work with clients, and focus on the understanding of the patterns of behaviours

Life transitions and chronic illnesses, your social and inner identity, personal beliefs

It’s highly important to understand how it all begins, especially for teenagers.

Our specialists will be glad to provide you with a second opinion

Dra. Sylvia Sánchez Oller, Ph.D.

Clínica de Terapia
Familiar, Pareja  e Infanto-Juvenil


Whatsapp: (+506) 87 80 59 38


De la entrada principal de la Universidad Nacional, 200 metros Oeste y 50 al Norte. Casa de dos pisos a mano izquierda, color blanco con portón gris. (+506) 22 37 80 76 (+506) 87 80 59 38 Horario: lunes a viernes de 7:00 am a 5:00. pm.

Frente a Intel. La Rivera de Belén.

(+506) 22 37 80 76
(+506) 87 80 59 38

lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 6:00. pm.

San José

Torre Médica, 4o. piso. Diagonal a Hospital Nacional de Niños.
Paseo Colón. San José.

(+506) 22 21 13 33
(+506) 87 80 59 38

lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 4:00 pm.

De 7:00 am – 6:00 pm.

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